Tuesday, December 20, 2022

I signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler — again!

 OK, so a lot has happened since I last posted.

I met a girl.

I moved in with her — PAST the Beltway (ugh).

I got a full time job with benefits making podcasts about the law! For a living!

I got married!!


Longtime readers of Still Waiting will know that these things just sort of don’t happen for me. I’m the guy who jumps from temp job to temp job, waiting for something to hit… and, yes, the guy who jumps from girl to girl, waiting to find the mythical Perfect Human Being.

Well, I guess I’m finally maturing. Things are happening for me. And yet there’s one thing I have never been able to do: 

Actually run the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run.

This year, things are different. I bought a treadmill. I’ve jogged 7 times over the past two weeks. I have a plan. And I am going to use the Maffetone method, which means I must keep my heart rate around 132, which is RIDICULOUSLY slow. Like, I was “jogging” at 3 miles an hour tonight. It was practically just running in place. They say it will eventually become less stupid, and that my speed will increase, and I’ll be able to go the distance, etc. We’ll see. For now I feel like an idiot.

But! I also feel energetic, and excited, and like this is something I can actually do. I had to stop a couple of times in the half hour I jogged tonight, because (as usual) my calves tightened up. But it wasn’t that bad, and it’s getting easier.

At this point it seems like the most likely thing that could derail my fitness is the new baby. But I will keep trying!

Keep it up, Schwartzie!
