I'll wait.
So, how do I do it? Simple: Don't eat as much. We all know that Calories In < Calories Out is the key. I have really been focusing on the Calories In part of the equation. I have a light breakfast, usually consisting of a banana and maybe some granola. I have a big lunch that I spread out over the course of an hour or two, usually consisting of a big turkey or chicken sandwich and, yep, a little bag of chips and a soda. That keeps me full for the next several hours. When I get home, usually after 7, I will have a light dinner -- an "Eating Smart" healthy frozen dinner from Safeway, or a can of soup or something. If my roommates want to order delivery I will usually go in with them, but I don't pig out anymore. For instance, a few nights ago we split a thin crust pizza. The first night I had 3 pieces, and the next night I had 2 pieces.
And the scale continues to go down!
It's not hard. You just have to not pig out.
Calories In < Calories Out. Pretty simple.
I look forward to the boost when I start upping the Calories Out side of the equation by riding my bike to work!
Congratulations Matt. You did all the hard work work so you deserve the best results you have right now. Are you planning on enhancing your muscles like a pro body builder?