Monday, August 25, 2008


So. Weekly weight graph continues to go down, with a fairly predictable pattern:

As you can see, I eat what I want on the weekends, and cool it during the week (basically having a light dinner on most weekdays). My weight spikes on Sunday or Monday, but then it goes down, and each week my weight is lower and lower. With (currently) very little exercise, I'm losing 1/2 to 1 pound a week.

But that will all change very soon, my friends. I am about to blast off. Last week my Powerblocks arrived, and they are truly wonderful. But I need a bench to really make good use of them. So I've also ordered a weight bench, and a Bosu balance trainer, which is really wonderful for working a lot of stabilizing muscles you otherwise never use. Once everything is set up, I will take a picture of my nifty home gym and post it for the world to see. And I will, of course, use it, on a daily (or mostly daily) basis!

My friend Jeremy is also on a quest to lose weight (about the same amount of weight as I want to lose), and he is succeeding. So I want to congratulate him on his perseverance, and assure him that he will not be the only one sporting a fit and trim look this New Year's...


  1. Good for you and Jeremy! What is he doing diet and fitness-wise?

    Can we get a Powerblock review?

  2. Nutritionally, I think Jeremy is doing weight watchers. I'm not sure how much he is focusing on exercise at the moment. I'll ask.

    And yes, you will have a PowerBlock review soon! IT's a busy week with rehearsals and flying home to Michigan on the weekend, but I'll work on it. ;-) IF you give me a kettlebell review!

  3. It's been years since you've worked out. I wonder how do you look now and you friend Jeremy as well.

  4. I wouldn't say YEARS :) I don't lift weights that much nowadays, it's true. But I do it a lot more frequently than I post on this blog! My apologies for letting it languish.

    I will try to post some updates soon. Suffice it to say that, although I haven't lost much in the last few years, I haven't gained anything either. :) And Jeremy looks great!

  5. According to the redirection of powerblocks, "PowerBlocks are perfectly balanced. They are the heaviest, most compact and easiest to use quick change dumbbell."

    I think I should recommend my fiancee to use those since he is focusing on his weight lose goal. Thanks for the idea you've shared Matt.

  6. Weight chart can help in losing weight.
    I will serve as a guide.

    While exercising, there must be a chart to monitor the results of the done exercises.
    I hope the result of my exercise will be great.
